Happy New Year from Walgreens

My mainland family is getting New Year’s cards from us this year. Just the immediate family, sisters and parents. We don’t usually send cards for the High Holy Days. We don’t really send them for many occasions –except maybe birthdays, Mother’s and Father’s Day and Halloween to my youngest sister whose nickname is “boo.”

Why is this year different from all other years? Oops, wrong holiday. Then why are we sending New Year’s cards you may ask? Because they had them on display at the Walgreens in the Kapalama Shopping Center on North School Street in Kalihi, that’s why.

They didn’t have just one generic card for the occasion, they had an entire section of cards for Rosh Hashanah. It’s like a Rosh Hashanah miracle.

That Walgreens is my new hangout. I go there a few times a week because it is near Kamehameha’s Kapalama campus where I pick up my older daughter when she stays after school for hula or study hall. I can pick up a snack for her and use the bathroom before I drive up the hill.

When I discovered their New Year’s cards I had to support them. The Jewish community in Hawaii doesn’t get much acknowledgment from very many local retail establishments. When we, do I want to show my appreciation by spending my money there.

Since I am seeing Christmas trees going up in the stores before the Halloween candy comes out, I was doubly struck by the wonderfulness of Walgreens.

I had to share.

And even if you did not get a card from us in the mail, from my family to yours:

L’shanah Tovah Tikatevu–May you be inscribed for a blessing in the Book of Life.

I’m thinking that somebody at Walgreens will.

L’shanah Tovah and bon appetite (or b’tei avon)

It’s the holiday season which brings up the discussion of food. No, not that holiday season….the Jewish High Holy Days. For each one we eat traditional foods symbolizing our deeper understanding of that particular observance, bringing us together in celebration of the joy that it brings. That’s just how we roll.

Rosh Hashanah means apples and honey and honey cake and honey buns (okay, I added that one.)

On Yom Kippur we fast, which is the distinct absence of food. The day is a solitary journey of internal reflection. But when we do  break the fast, we once again come together.

For Sukkot we eat outside under the stars and on Simchas Torah there is candy.

No wonder I love being Jewish.

Today I would like to share with you the challah that Rachel Nudelman gave to me on Erev Rosh Hashanah. While she didn’t bake it exclusively for me as a special gift, it sure feels that way and I am loving every bite as if she did.

She brought it to serve at the oneg after services at the Aloha Jewish Chapel on Pearl Harbor. But it was announced between the Aleinu and the Kaddish that there is a child with nut allergies and no nuts of any kind could be served.

Rachel had brought platters of honey cake, frosted and plain, made with walnuts and a gorgeous Rosh Hashanah challah coiled in the traditional holiday fashion to symbolize the cycle of the year.

Instead of adding raisins as a symbol for the sweetness of the new year (thank goodness, because I do not like raisins in challah,)  she folded apples and nuts into the coil. She said that they had their own at home and offered this beautiful, sweet challah  to me. Not one to have to be asked twice, I readily accepted and heartily thanked her.

I carried it carefully to the car, nestled it close to me, protecting it like I would my own baby the entire way home.

I cannot stop eating that challah.

I had a piece as soon as we returned from services. We had it for breakfast this morning, sliced straight onto our plates. Tomorrow it will make excellent french toast.

I can’t help but mention that Rachel made the most amazing matzah ball soup for our model seder at Temple Emanu-El School of Jewish Studies last spring. She is definitely among a new generation of balabustas and I am pleased to be in her acquaintance–for more reasons than just food.

Thank you, Rachel. Shanah Tovah U’metukah.

Wishing your family a healthy and sweet new year.